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-a, pl. id. m. (al. -eise, f.), a step in a process, a process; a feat, spell, time, turn (at a game, etc.), course; an attack or surprise, a quarrel, a beating; the amount of anything done, taken, or served at a time; a smoke, etc., g. codlata, amount of sleep taken without waking; g. cómh-ráidh, a chat; g. guil, a fit of crying, amount of crying done without intermission; g. sócamhail, a pleasant “time”; g. dá saothar, some of their work; g. ar chláirsigh, a spell of harp playing; dá ngáirinn greasa, should I take my turn of weeping (Br.); nuair bhí an chéad gh. codalta agam, when I had slept my first spell; buail g., thresh a while; buail g. ar an gcul ginn, take a hand at the churn; al. dreas; greis (Sc.) id.; Cf. greis.

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Cruthan eile an fhacail

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