Ólaim vl. ól, v. tr., I drink (smt. without an expressed object), quaff, absorb; ó. lionn, I usually drink ale; ó. tobac, I smoke tobacco; ó. an ghloine, I drink spirituous liquors; ó. mo scilling, I drink my shilling’s worth; ó. s’ap ch, I drink it up, swallow it; ó. do shláinte, I drink your health; ó. ar, I drink to; ó. mo dhóthain, I drink enough, al. I drink to excess; 6. bolgam caideoige de, I drink a thimbleful (lit. an earthworm’s mouthful) of; d’ólfainn an Mhágach (or loch Síleann), I am a capacious drinker; d’ólpamn an pop as an srathair, I am a reckless drinker (lit. I would drink the straw-packing of the straddle); d’ólfamn an bhólacht agus an capaillín glap, id. (lit. I would drink the herd of cows and the little grey nag); an ól sá deoch? ’réir mar thuitfeadh sé isteach nó amach, will you take a drink? gladly (lit. as it falls from the bottle into the glass); d’ól sé is cheol sé is chaill sé a náise, he drank and sang and lost his self-respect. |